
WATCH: Interview with Dallas Apocalyptic-Industrial Band ManifestiV

Paragraph Taylor and Lillith Taylor of the Dallas experimental apocalyptic industrial band ManifestiV recently sat down for a chat with Music FiendsAngela Alameda after their show at The Cicada in Fort Worth, TX. They discuss living on their farm, which they’ve dubbed “Manifarm,” where they not only grow their own food but also record their music, far removed from the sounds and distractions of city living. Lillith manages the farm, while Paragraph has quite possibly the most goth job one could have, working as an embalmer and funeral director. Check out our interview clip of quite possibly the most unique band we’ve had the pleasure of interviewing to date above, which includes performance footage of “Business As Usual.”

Our concert photo gallery from the ManifestiV show is below:

If you’re local to the Dallas area, you can catch ManifestiV this Tuesday, July 23rd, at Sundown at Granada. Come out and support our local Dallas music scene! Tickets can be purchased here.

Paragraph also recently went Under the Probe for us at Music Fiends and you can watch that clip below:

ManifestiV Online:


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