Back in 2011, Patrick Kearney of New York City’s hard rock four-piece STATION didn’t realize he was just founding a band destined to play the large arenas across the country – he was also going on a journey of being a dog dad! Kearney shared some of his little friends over the years with Music Fiends, which we’re all the more grateful for! Read below to learn about Gideon, Zelda, Link, and Ollie!
“Back in 2012, my wife and I adopted our first pug, Gideon. I wasn’t really a dog person having grown up with cats as a kid, but that face was just too cute to say no! It took a while, but he slowly went from a stubborn puppy to being my very best friend. Unfortunately, he passed away
in 2016. Although it was short, I am so grateful for the time we had together. That dog taught me how to be a better human. Since he passed, we’ve since adopted 3 more pugs: Zelda, Link, and Ollie (Dorf – if you’re a video game fan)! We’ve got our own little grumble snoring away in our house!”
STATION is gearing up to play At Arlene’s Grocery on October 22nd. Their album Perspective is streaming everywhere.
Watch STATION’s latest video for their new track, “I Can’t Find My Way” :