
WATCH: Gizz Lazlo of L.A.’s Power/Punk Band For Closure Goes Under the Probe

For Closure

From the ashes of the San Fernando Valley punk band For Sale arose For Closure. For Sale vocalist Gizz Lazlo (Dr. Know, U.K. Subs, The Freeze) and guitarist Luis Estefania (F.Y.P., Rhythm Collision, Buford) joined forces in 2023 with producer/drummer Wal Rashidi (Jr. Juggernaut, Turning Violet, Sleep Pod Two), bassist Steve Wilenkin (Dead Man’s Life, I.D.K., Life in a Burn Clinic) and guitarist Marc Maxey (Sloth Fist, The Killing Flame, Justice League) to form For Closure.

The guys recorded sessions at Studio in Redlands, California, and released the punk/power-pop singles “Carousel,” “Moon at Noon,” “No Condition”, and followed those with their most recent single “Hazy Mourning.” Their full-length album will be released in 2024 via Mindpower Records.

After embarking on a trek of live dates in their native Southern California region playing venues throughout Los Angeles and San Diego counties, For Closure hit traction on radio in early 2024 and “Moon at Noon” was declared the “Coolest Song in the World” by SiriusXM’s “Little Steven’s Underground Garage” radio show, which gave For Closure the exposure they needed to audiences far outside their SoCal locale.

Catch the punk fivesome For Closure at their upcoming shows:

June 1 – The Sardine – San Pedro, CA

June 8 – Pour House – Oceanside, CA

July 13 – The Golden Bull – Oakland, CA

For Closure frontman Gizz Lazlo recently took the plunge and went Under the Probe! Watch his responses to our probing questions below:


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