
Brooklyn Burns Bright: Urban Heat Sparks a Fiery Performance

Photo: Alice Teeple. Taken at TV Eye, Brooklyn

On a crisp early October night, Brooklyn buzzed with a kinetic jolt as Austin’s post-punk provocateurs, Urban Heat, ignited Trans-Pecos for a Synthicide soirée. The trio’s latest tour, touting their newest release, The Tower, made this truly a night to remember.

Despite the persistent haze of a stubborn fog machine, the stress of street-side parking woes, and the chaos of a fainting spell in the audience, the band remained undeterred. They stormed the compact stage and turned the tight-knit venue into a bona-fide party. Paxel Foley and Kevin Naquin set the scene with their bass and synth prowess, as the lights dimmed and the room crackled with anticipation.

Photo: Alice Teeple. Taken at Trans-Pecos/Synthicide, Brooklyn

Frontman Jonathan Horstmann electrified the room, his thunderous voice booming like a preacher at a fire-and-brimstone revival, cracking the air. He twisted, turned, and tangled himself in the tunes, throwing hits from Wellness and The Tower at the crowd like he had a score to settle. True to form, Horstmann’s shirt vanished at some point, leaving nothing between his heart and the audience but a few layers of skin and a raw, untamed energy.

Photo: Alice Teeple. Taken at Trans-Pecos/Synthicide, Brooklyn.

When they rolled into their cover of the Q. Lazzarus classic Goodbye Horses, the packed room shivered—a flicker of misty eyes mixing with a flash of fierce joy. The jubilant crowd danced in that sweet spot between soft-hearted and hard-headed, somewhere between a slow sway and a sudden stomp. It was a symphony of sweat and swagger.

As they closed the set with Have You Ever, the floor transformed into a frenzied dance—a maelstrom of fists, feet and frenzied dance. A scene bursting with life – the kind of chaos that stretched the small room’s seams; a living room-sized space with an arena’s heart, beating loud and defiant.

The Tower is out now.

Catch Urban Heat on tour:

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Photo: Alice Teeple, Brooklyn


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